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PODCAST INTERVIEW: “The Comfortable Spot” with Ken Sweeney (Ireland)
RADIO INTERVIEW: “Sunday Jazz Brunch – Musicians Corner” with Marty Friedman (USA)
RADIO INTERVIEW & LIVE PERFORMANCE: Stella Bass Quartet on The Pat Kenny Show, RTE Radio 1 (Irl)
RADIO PERFORMANCE: Stella Bass Jazz Trio Live Performance at Dublin International Film Festival (RTE Lyric FM)
– RADIO – “Marty in the Morning” – RTE Lyric FM (Irl)
PRESS INTERVIEW: “Finding the Silver Lining” with Nick Lea (UK)
PRESS INTERVIEW: “Stella by Starlight” – Interview for Whale Theatre (Irl)
PRESS INTERVIEW:  Interview for Civic Theatre (Irl)
PRESS: Featured in “Women in Jazz: Celebrating International Women’s Day”


“Every now and again an album appears as if from nowhere that immediately you get, and more importantly gets you” Jazz Views (UK)

“it would be hard to pick out Bass’ originals from those by Sondheim, Kern, Berlin et al. She should not wait for the next pandemic before reaching for pen and blank paper.” All About Jazz (UK)

“…one of Ireland’s leading vocal jazz talents.”
Jazziz Magazine (USA)

“Oh, so very impressive classic mainstream-jazz vocals here from Dublin jazz singer Stella Bass”  – Marlbank Jazz (Irl)

“…a relatively newer jazz artist playing with classic repertoire, keeping some of that old magic while mixing in some new.”
Spectrum Culture (USA) 

“A great sense of clarity in her enunciation and a relaxed sense of timing.”
Jazz Weekly (USA)

“Stella Bass is a storyteller”
Musical Memoirs (USA)

“Jazz is alive and well in Ireland!”- Bebop Spoken Here (UK)

“’Look for the Silver Lining’ is the dose of positivity you’ve been looking for!” – Stage & Cinema (USA)

ALBUM OF THE WEEK – RTE Lyric FM (Ireland)

ALBUM OF THE WEEK – Smooth FM (Portugal)

Review: Jazz in Family (Italy)

Review: La Habitacion del Jazz (Spain)

Review: World of Jazz (Germany)

Review: Esensja (Poland)